Buddhas also have to be swept away, because the door can become a hindrance if you cling to it.
— Osho
But life itself is without use. What is the purpose of it? Where are you going? What is the result? No purpose, no result, no goal. Life is a constant ecstasy, moment to moment you can enjoy it but if you start thinking of results you miss enjoying it, your roots are uprooted, you are no longer in it, you have become an outsider. And then you will ask for the meaning, for the purpose.
— Osho
But these trees don’t grow impatiently. They move with a grace, with patience, with trust. There is no hurry anywhere else except in your mind. If you really want to be in a state of peace and joy, you will have to unlearn your old habit for achieving things quickly
— Osho
But you do just the opposite. You strengthen your thought-waves. You are seized by worthless thoughts, and you co-operate with them. Furthermore, you are sitting alone, there is nothing to do, and you start thinking of fighting the coming election. The dream begins! Nothing will please you short of reaching the president’s chair. You have become a president in your dream. There are felicitations and you are enjoying them thoroughly! You never stop to think – what kind of stupidity is this! What are you doing? You are just giving energy to worthless fantasies. Your mind is filled with useless illusions of this kind. The constant flow of dreams eats up a large amount of your energy. It is not for free! You purchase it at the cost of your life. If we examine human life in detail, we will find that ninety-nine percent of the life is lost in fruitless dreams like this. Some dream of wealth, others of power, and others of various conquests. What will you gain even if you attain them all? Thought-waves are nothing but dreams. Do not strengthen them. When the dream starts running within, shake yourself and break the dream as quickly as you can.
— Osho
Challenge everything for the Truth. Only those who challenge everything for the Truth are the blessed ones.
— Osho
Creativity happens only when ego is absent, when you are relaxed, in deep rest, when there is really no desire to do something. Suddenly you are gripped;some unknown force overwhelms you, takes possession of you.
— Osho
Creativity is the fragrance of individual freedom.
— Osho
Creators almost always go mad.
— Osho
Dance madly as if all life is meant for dancing and celebrating.
— Osho
Desire is alcoholic, desire is the greatest drug possible. Marijuana is nothing, LSD is nothing. Desire is the greatest LSD possible – the ultimate in drugs. What is the nature of desire? When you desire, what happens? When you desire, you are creating an illusion in the mind; when you desire, you have already moved from here. Now you are not here, you are absent from here, because the mind is creating a dream. This absentees is your drunkenness. Be present!
— Osho
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