Jonathan Harnisch

Sometimes I return to the state of mind I had as a child when I believed nothing was impossible.

Jonathan Harnisch

The drug I take is called schizophrenia, among other labels, which I desperately want to put away. I want to put the drug of schizophrenia down, and I want to put down the stigma surrounding its label.

Jonathan Harnisch

There is something about being loved and protected by a parent (or guardian) knowing that I can be loved for who I am, not what I can do, or might one day become. Unfortunately it’s not usually like this in every single situation. From time to time, my parents made mistakes during my childhood. Possibly I was the mistake, or unwanted. But I don’t know. I had every material thing that I could have ever wanted, but there was still something missing, as if I felt distanced from my parents, or misunderstood, in the ways that they treated me. At times, I had felt completely loved and accepted by my parents, but for one reason or another, they were unable to care for me, provide for me, in some ways that would have been very important. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to make up for the experiences in life that were absent when I was a child.

Jonathan Harnisch

The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of the world but those who fight and win battles that others do not know anything about.

Jonathan Harnisch

Thoughts. Thoughts bombard my head, my brain. My psyche

Jonathan Harnisch

We all have problems, but let's not kid ourselves: it's how we deal with them that makes the difference.

Jonathan Harnisch

What if you had such severe schizophrenia that your life was just one hallucination after another? And what if people kept trying to drag you back out of those hallucinations, to prove that you weren't living in reality and that reality was nothing more than a psych hospital? Would you go?

Jonathan Harnisch

You can’t be beaten by something you laugh at.

Jonathan Harnisch

You know what is beautiful? A real conversation with a real person.

Jonathan Harnisch

You’ve got to reach bedrock to become depressed enough before you are forced to accept the reality and enormity of the problem.

Jonathan Harnisch

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