Marissa Meyer
But mostly I just think I am not the best person to demonstrate all the goodness humanity has to offer. I don't want you to be too disappointed when you realize that.
— Marissa Meyer
But was the woman's death the tragedy, or her life?
— Marissa Meyer
But you are crazy.”“I know.” She lifted a small box from the basket. “Do you know how I know?” Scarlet didn't answer.“Because the palace walls have been bleeding for years, and no one else sees it.” She shrugged, as if this were a perfectly normal thing to say. “No one believes me, but in some corridors, the blood has gotten so thick there's nowhere safe to step. When I have to pass through those places, I leave a trail of bloody footprints for the rest of the day, and then I worry that the queen's soldiers will follow the scent and eat me up while I'm sleeping. Some nights I don't sleep very well.” Her voice dropped to a haunted whisper, her eyes taking on a brittle luminescence. “But if the blood was real, the servants would clean it up. Don't you think?
— Marissa Meyer
But you're the only one, Scarlet. You'll always be the only one.
— Marissa Meyer
Captain! To your left there’s a Lunar guard and on your right is a doctor who’s running tests on Lunar, and I’m being held by one of Levant’s wolf hybrids, and please be careful!” Thorne took a step back into the hallway a gun from his waistband. He spent a moment swiveling the barrel of the gun in each direction, but nobody moved to attack him. With some surprise, Cress realized that the operative’s grip had weakened.“Er…” Thorne furrowed his brow, aiming the gun somewhere near the window. “Could you describe all those threats again because I feel like I missed something.
— Marissa Meyer
Captain?"" Yeah?"" Do you think it was destiny that brought us together?" He squinted and, after a thoughtful moment, shook his head. "No. I'm pretty sure it was Cinder.
— Marissa Meyer
Cinder flexed her tongue, testing it, and raised her voice." I am princess Selene." Levana leaned forward. "You are an impostor!"" And I am ready to claim what's mine. People of Artemis, this is your chance. Renounce Levant as your queen and swear fealty to me, or I swear that when I wear that crown, very person in this room will be punished for their betrayal.
— Marissa Meyer
Crazy loves company, Sir Clay.
— Marissa Meyer
Do I have permission to take control of you first? Just your bodies, not your minds."" I've been waiting for you to admit you wanted my body.
— Marissa Meyer
Don't thank me for telling the truth when it would have been mercy to lie to you.
— Marissa Meyer
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