Thomm Quackenbush
Everyone you meet is an aspect of the gods and has a lesson to teach you.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Every weekend, I fall in love again. By Sunday, the last thing I want to do is let her go, release her back into the cold water of life.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Frequently, people confront us who seemed to be egging the world into calling them on their miserable actions so they can have the pleasure of angry vengeance or an excuse to attract attention. Our compassion cannot be giving them what they think they want, since it is unreasonable to want to be hateful.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Ghosts are some of the loneliest people you will ever meet.
— Thomm Quackenbush
God has planned the world too perfectly for me to doubt that everyone is where they are supposed to be.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Hades does not have a runny nose. I know this. The entire Greek pantheon no doubt knows this. For some reason, my nose is unaware of this basic fact of mythology.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Having ascended to some spiritual strength by focusing on the power of the feminine, it is no doubt tempting to wield this strength against that which triggers memories of having once been weaker.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Having in our childhood felt primal awe for the spectacle of the holiday, we are told to age into feeling sullen and resentful. You are supposed to proclaim Santa dead like preadolescent Nietzsche's and decry the whole month as an orgy of crass commercialism.
— Thomm Quackenbush
Having spent all of my decision-making years as a Pagan of one stripe or another, I have long found it condescending at best to assume one cannot worship the old gods or believe in magic without breaking out the leather bracers, wings, or Ye Broken Old English.
— Thomm Quackenbush
He dances all night, utterly naked and composed of nothing but six and a half feet of pale sinew. He could dance to a field of crickets, to the sound of rain on a tin roof, to a stampede.
— Thomm Quackenbush
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