Abhishek Ratna
Make sure the job you select complements your personal life the best.
— Abhishek Ratna
Make sure you work at a place which gives you opportunities to learn, travel, explore, interact with intellectuals and new work skills.
— Abhishek Ratna
Many a time, we let go of some perfect ideas just because we feel they are too controversial.
— Abhishek Ratna
Many of us have this mind-set which considers self-promotion a taboo.
— Abhishek Ratna
Meetings at work present great opportunities to showcase your talent. Do not let them go to waste.
— Abhishek Ratna
Money is perhaps the single most important parameter which influences our decision when it comes to a job.
— Abhishek Ratna
Most employees are never made or allowed to understand the real meaning behind the work that they are doing. So, for how long can someone remain motivated about chasing something without knowing what he is chasing and why?
— Abhishek Ratna
Motivation is internal. It has to come from within you. Do not seek it anywhere else.
— Abhishek Ratna
Move out of your comfort zone, develop those necessary skills and go all out for that much-needed advancement!
— Abhishek Ratna
Over-engineering can create products too complex to use.
— Abhishek Ratna
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