Guy Gavriel Kay
It had taken skill, tact, an ability to choose friends well, and a great deal of luck... Luck was always part of it, one way or another
— Guy Gavriel Kay
It was different, though, knowing something in your thoughts and then hearing it confirmed, made real, planted in the world like a tree
— Guy Gavriel Kay
My youngest brother had a wonderful Schick from some time in high school, through to graduating medicine. He had a card in his wallet that read, ‘If I am found with amnesia, please give me the following books to read …’ And it listed half a dozen books where he longed to recapture that first glorious sense of needing to find out ‘what happens next’ … the feeling that keeps you up half the night. The feeling that comes before the plot’s been learned.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
No man ever truly possesses a woman, anyhow," said Midas moodily. "He has her body for a time if he's lucky, but only the most fleeting glimpse into her soul." Midas was a poet, or wanted to be.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
Reading is a collaboration between the writer and reader. Both parties must keep that in mind when dealing with a work of fiction.”{Guy Gabriel Kay}
— Guy Gavriel Kay
She had been a solitary child, and then solitary as a woman, drawn into an orbit of her own that took her away from others, even those who would be her friends.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
Syria?" said her husband, and Elaine bet Panel heard the mangling of her name as music." You sound like a marsh frog," she said, moving to stand before his chair. By the flickering light she saw him smile." Where have you been," she asked. "My dear. I've needed you so much."" Eyyia," he tried again, and stood up. His eyes were black hollows. They would always be hollows. He opened his arms, and she moved into the space they made in the world, and laying her head against his chest she permitted herself the almost unimaginable luxury of grief.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
That felt strange. How sharp a rent a handful of moments made in the fabric of a life.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
The privacy of pride.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk.
— Guy Gavriel Kay
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