Bernard Kelvin Clive
Author branding is the process of positioning an author as the center of attraction and influence, to be the preferred choice in a given theme, style, category, niche or genre
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Authorpreneurship is the businesses side of writing
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Authors can alter your life.
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Awaken to the opportunities available for you today. It’s not too late to be, do, and have, whatever you so desire. It’s only late if you don’t begin today, the time is now. Go, make it happen!
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Beware of the thief who is after your cash; but be more cautious of the thief in the mind that's after your kind, your promise - your dream, your future.
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Be wary of what you do with the attention social media gives you
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Branding is he ability to constantly create a perception in the minds of your audience/market that there is no product/service like yours that meet their needs and wants by providing distinct value
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Branding is not just about social media
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Branding is to constantly create a perception in the mind of consumers that there is no product like yours
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
Brand integrity is the ability to present one’s brand both in words and deeds to be true, respectable and acceptable without compromising on standards (brand’s promise).
— Bernard Kelvin Clive
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