Manoj Vaz
Arrogance is nothing but Stupidity with an ego.
— Manoj Vaz
A thinking man can never be brave.
— Manoj Vaz
Between hope and despair treads a life without love!
— Manoj Vaz
Depravity and decadence are two sides of the same coin.
— Manoj Vaz
Don't expect life to serve you what you expect. Just enjoy the buffet.
— Manoj Vaz
Don't stop living before you stop breathing.
— Manoj Vaz
Don't try to understand women. Women don't want to be understood, they just want to be loved. It is men who crave understanding.
— Manoj Vaz
Everybody learns from their own mistakes. The wise learn from mistakes others make.
— Manoj Vaz
Everybody looks good in their own mirror!
— Manoj Vaz
Fantasies are the escape that every prisoner of the soul indulges in.
— Manoj Vaz
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