Lady Gaga
I am a walking piece of art every day, with my dreams and my ambitions forward at all times in an effort to inspire my fans to lead their life in that way.
— Lady Gaga
I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. Furthermore, I am a busy girl. Furthermore, I live and breathe my work. Furthermore, I love what I do. Furthermore, I believe in the message. There's no stopping. I didn't create the fame, the fame created me.
— Lady Gaga
I am the center of attention in my job every single day the thought of a wedding to me is exhausting. Why would I put myself through that?
— Lady Gaga
I believe in the spirit of equality and the spirit of this country as one of love and compassion and kindness.
— Lady Gaga
I don't like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need.
— Lady Gaga
I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. Furthermore, I believe in the glamorous life and I live one.
— Lady Gaga
I don't think I could think of a single thing that's more isolating than being famous.
— Lady Gaga
I do yoga, I do Bigram and I run, and I eat really healthy.
— Lady Gaga
I'd wear any of my private attire for the world to see. But I would rather have an open flesh wound than ever wear a band-aid in public.
— Lady Gaga
I feel like if you're a perfect human being, you can try to find something beautiful in every single person, no matter what.
— Lady Gaga
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