Robert Kiyosaki
If you are the kind of person who is waiting for the 'right' thing to happen, you might wait for a long time. It's like waiting for all the traffic lights to be green for five miles before starting the trip.
— Robert Kiyosaki
If you're going to be a winner in life, you have to constantly go beyond your best.
— Robert Kiyosaki
If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.
— Robert Kiyosaki
If you want to thrive in today's economy, you must challenge the status quo and get the financial education necessary to succeed.
— Robert Kiyosaki
In 1997, in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I stated, 'Your home is not an asset.' Real estate agents sent me hate mail.
— Robert Kiyosaki
It was easy being healthy when I was young. I was full of energy, so sports and physical challenges were fun. But as I got older, and the spring left my step, exercise became harder, and eating, drinking and watching TV became easier. By the time I was 50, I'd put on 50 pounds.
— Robert Kiyosaki
I want parents to teach that academic intelligence is essential, but so is financial intelligence.
— Robert Kiyosaki
Jobs are a centuries-old concept created during the Industrial Revolution. Despite the reality that we're now deep in the Information Age, many people are studying for, or working at, or clinging to the Industrial Age idea of a safe, secure job.
— Robert Kiyosaki
Ken Lay, the disgraced former chairman of Enron, found a way to escape his legal problems: He died after being convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges.
— Robert Kiyosaki
Learn to invest in investments where you can achieve an honest, legal advantage over other investors. When it comes to investing, why play on a level field?
— Robert Kiyosaki
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