Colleen Hoover
Don’t, Mom.” I begin walking toward her, but I can see the mist forming in her eyes. “No, no, no.” By the time I reach her, it’s too late. She’s bawling. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s crying. Not because it makes me emotional, but because it annoys the hell out of me. And it’s awkward.
— Colleen Hoover
Don't take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.
— Colleen Hoover
Do we all repeat the same words in our heads in the days after experiencing abuse at the hands of those who love us? "From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." Maybe those vows weren't meant to be taken as literally as some spouses take them. For better, for worse? Fuck. That. Shit.
— Colleen Hoover
Every incident chips away at your limit. Every time you choose to stay, it makes the next time that much harder to leave. Eventually, you lose sight of your limit altogether, because you start to think, ‘I’ve lasted five years now. What’s five more?
— Colleen Hoover
Every time the song looped, all I heard was the part about the lies - and how they weigh you down. Tonight, as I drive toward Detroit in my Jeep, I know what those words really mean. It's not just the lies they're referring to. It's life. You can't run to another town, another place, another state. Whatever it is you're running from - it goes with you. It stays with you until you find out how to confront it.
— Colleen Hoover
Fallon, I’m worked up so damn tight. I’m going to kiss you now, and I’m not sorry.
— Colleen Hoover
Fate. A word meaning destiny. Fate. A word meaning doom.
— Colleen Hoover
Feel free to look around, but being as though there aren't any people eighteen or older here, stay off the bed. I'm not allowed to get pregnant this weekend.
— Colleen Hoover
God Laymen. How do you do it?" she says. "How do I do what?" I sniff as I continue to wipe the tears from my eyes. "How do you not fall in love with him?" The tears begin flowing just as quickly as they had ceased….." I don't fall in love with him. I don't fall in love with him a lot!
— Colleen Hoover
He kisses me like he's giving me every kiss he wishes he could have given me the past, and every kiss he'll wish he could give me in the future. All at once.
— Colleen Hoover
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