Hina Hashmi

One positive person affects the whole universe. If you improve yourself as a human being then you will contribute for the betterment of the whole planet.

Hina Hashmi

Our bodies are reflective of our inner feelings. If we feel emotionally or sexually vulnerable inside, we may build a protective layer of fat over our abdomen or hips, the places where we hold our emotions and sexuality.

Hina Hashmi

Our spirit requires freedom in every area of our lives. The barriers that stop our soul from free expression are doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation.

Hina Hashmi

Our vibration depends upon what we are thinking, feeling and acting. You have two choices, one is to flow with the chaotic frequencies of the world and feel hopeless, or decide what and how you want to feel.

Hina Hashmi

People, material and situation come in to our lives because of our thoughts and beliefs. When we don’t want those experiences, we try to push them away. When we use our vital energy in resisting what we don’t want, we attract more of it whether it’s a person, circumstance or challenge.

Hina Hashmi

Positive thoughts are a source of joy, love and an indication of our alignment with the source. Negative thoughts create disharmony in our body for example depression, fear and aggression indicate misalignment with the source.

Hina Hashmi

Positive, truthful and helping people always get rewards. Oneness, love, compassion and enlightenment can be attained by following the spiritual laws of the universe." -China Hashmi

Hina Hashmi

Self-criticism and negative thoughts about yourself will attract people who reflect this back to you, showing critical behavior and can abuse you physically.

Hina Hashmi

Similar aura patterns with someone indicate that we have same frequency at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, while the opposite is true for the people whom we dislike instantly.

Hina Hashmi

Stop looking back on your life and wishing it was different because pursuing that kind of mental activity will never lead to any worthy accomplishment. Think about what ‘can be’ rather than what ‘was’.

Hina Hashmi

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