Munindra Misra

All the variety of species of life created be, By combination of three basic material energy;- 45 -These Gun modus operandi of material energy, They are called tame, Reiko and sativa clearly;- 46 -Tame-guna associated with inertia, ignorance be, The Reiko-guna associated with passion, activity;- 47 -Sativa-guna associated with goodness, harmony, And all three of them associated with thinking truly.- 48 -

Munindra Misra

A prayer from SSRI Vishwanatha SuprabhataMorning Salutations to Shivaत्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव, त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव ।त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेव, त्वमेव सर्वं मम देव ॥ Tamera Mata CIA pita Tamera, tvameva band hush-cha Sakha tvamevatvameva Vida Davina tvamevatvameva stream mama Devi develop my mother and father be, You are kin and friend to me;You my knowledge, wealth be, God of gods! You my all do be.

Munindra Misra

BASIC LIFE ATTRIBUTES Four purusharthas or goals of the life be, So very crystal clear in life undisputedly;1Artha getting useful wealth and prosperity, Finding the meaning for living herein truly;2Kama fulfilling desires, acting repeatedly, It the physical, material desire fulfillment be;14Dharma – the foundation of all human goals be, Refers to obligations, conduct, moral duties;25Moksha – the liberation from the web of Maya be, Freedom from the cycles of birth and death clearly;33As all the rivers must lead to the sea eventually, All spiritual paths leading to the same goal finally;43And all the variety of life are created certainly, By combination of the three Guns undisputedly.44

Munindra Misra

Conduct, not speech, flowery

Munindra Misra

Desires intellectual, social etc., but they all be, Souls longing through mind and senses activity.- 40 -

Munindra Misra

Devi-Mahatma yam has special meaning for spirituality, With illumination, wisdom, strength - to freedom finally!- 150 -

Munindra Misra

Dharma – the foundation of all human goals be, Refers to obligations, conduct, moral duties;- 25 -

Munindra Misra

Do not ever fear your enemies, who attack you relentlessly, But do ever be afraid of the friends who flatter you habitually.[231] - 4 (Thoughts)

Munindra Misra

From Brahma Puranब्राह्मीं च वैष्णवीं भद्रां, षड्-भुजां च चतुर्मुखीम्। त्रि-नेत्रां खड्ग-त्रिशूल-पद्म-चक्र-गदा-धराम्॥पीताम्बर-धरां देवीं, नानाऽलंकार-भूषिताम्। तेजः-पुञ्ज-धरीं श्रेष्ठां, ध्यायेद् बाल-कुमारिकाम्॥Meditate on youthful Brahma* and Vaibhav* surely, With six hands, four faces, three eyes give safety, With sword, trident, lotus, wheel, globe, mace be, Greatest – yellow dressed, well decorated elegantly.

Munindra Misra

He who is not satisfied with himself will not grow certainly, For he will be but ever lost in his unquenchable thirst, surely.[224] - 4 (Thoughts)

Munindra Misra

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