Jay Woodman
Diets don't really work & can be destructive, but if you get healthy overall (mind, body, spirit) then your weight balances naturally.
— Jay Woodman
Don't be afraid to be authentic, show up in the world as you truly are. Be as you mean to be, but be light with it. Love it, give it, share it, laugh at it, walk everywhere with it. Be in the world but not OF it.
— Jay Woodman
Don't be afraid to show your soul, we need plenty of soul to show in this world.
— Jay Woodman
Don't be afraid to show you soul, we need plenty of soul to show in this world.
— Jay Woodman
Don't be afraid. You are never really alone. Just be yourself. You don't ever have to pretend you are someone else. If you try to do that, then you don't have anything to give the world. Accept and give your gifts with love.
— Jay Woodman
Don't let anyone take your power by influencing what you do.... sure ask for advice when you are still deciding, but once you are sure what you want to go for, don't let anyone deflect you. It is YOUR choice to make and to follow through.
— Jay Woodman
Each pain is Unbearable / yet Trifling Seeing the TRUTH is Excruciating / yet Exquisite Through Laughed & Tears / Grinning & Fear, we face our demons.
— Jay Woodman
Ego promenades, flounces, pushes in unwanted places, trips, stands on others, whereas a sense of destiny grounds - you just do what you do
— Jay Woodman
Enlightenment is not about cocooning one’s self, but about integrating more fully with both your self and life.
— Jay Woodman
Even cats have questions – like “Can’t you see my bowl is empty?” or “Why don’t you turn off the ***! Rain now?” From their perspective we are gods!
— Jay Woodman
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