Janvier Chouteu-Chando
A writer needs a partner who can act as fuel to his artistic mind, yet has the great ability to sober him up and help him be in sync with the non-artistic part of his soul.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
A yesterday missed can never be found even in a fine tomorrow.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
... Bad leaders are known to destroy one, more or even all the foundations of their people’s way of life...
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
…blissfulness is the summit of contentment…
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Don’t be afraid of those failures that do not lead to a loss of life or that do not incapacitate people.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Even with all its positive attributes, capitalism in its imperialistic form is the most treacherous system mankind ever devised. It is driven by a selfishness that has an almost religious underlining to it.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Evil is something you need to fight until it ceases trying to control you.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Expose human ties for what they really are, and you are most likely to find the worst forms of betrayal staring back at you.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Faith goes hand in hand with the belief in a supreme purpose that includes everybody, a purpose that is for mankind’s ultimate peace, harmony and happiness.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Fear is a basic human instinct and an indicator of the gravity of a situation. It becomes an asset if it is effectively controlled. It becomes a weakness for a man if he lets it prevail over him.
— Janvier Chouteu-Chando
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