Neena Verma
Appreciate, Let purpose inspire action, Learn with humility, Go beyond . All in Here & Now.
— Neena Verma
Bereavement, despair, ache, yearning happen to all. We all bear the pain of grief. We all take them in our own ways. And we are all blessed with the grace to transcend. (Page xii)
— Neena Verma
Death It does not happen to the dead alone Those left behind, die toxin parts that would never heal and come back to life (Page 14)
— Neena Verma
Forgetting is not forgetting Forgetting is ‘Letting things pass’When Existence opens up to Essence And rises above and beyond The path of Transcendence opens Love goes beyond Death The body disappears The person lives In Loveland in this Love Remembrance is born (Page 91)
— Neena Verma
Grief You plunge one in many emotions Betrayal, Despair, Depression, Fear, AngerGriefYou are more difficult to face than DeathGriefPlease let my faith stay stronger than youGriefI so wish you eventually lose out to love (Page 58)
— Neena Verma
I came to understand the most intriguing irony of life, that the most intimate partner of life is death. (Page 94)
— Neena Verma
Lament invoked love. Woe invoked wonder. Grief invoked grace. Cry invoked celebration.(Page 80)
— Neena Verma
Learn to accept the inevitability of difference between the self-view & others' image of us. Be willing to take this as an opportunity to grow consciousness. Have clarity to know when others' view is projection of their own shadow. Summon courage to endure growth pains. Life is simple.
— Neena Verma
Letting myself fall wasn't easy. It wasn't hard either. It was a calling that I had to honor. I did honor. I took a plunge into my dark abyss. Furthermore, I faced my grief, my fear, my sadness, my loneliness, my anguish, myself. (Page 78)
— Neena Verma
Nature does not abandon us. Rather, it helps us in accepting our loss, grief and pain. It stays with us, even cries with us. It gifts us openings, may be more than once, to heal, transcend and re-emerge. (Page xii)
— Neena Verma
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