Rainbow Rowell
A little manic was okay. A little manic paid the bills and got him up in the morning, made him magic when he needed it most.
— Rainbow Rowell
All I do when we're apart is thought about you, and all I when we're together is panic. Because every second feels so important. And because I'm so out of control, I can't help myself. I'm not even mine anymore, I'm yours, and what if you decide that you don't want me? How could you want me like I want you?' He was quiet. He wanted everything she'd just said to be the last thing he heard. Furthermore, he wanted to fall asleep with 'I want you' in his ears. 'God,' she said. 'I told you I shouldn't talk. I didn't even answer your question.
— Rainbow Rowell
All the men’s clothes she wore just called attention to how much of a girl she was.
— Rainbow Rowell
And he’d expected her to feel like heaven, plus nirvana, plus that scene in Willy Wonka where Charlie starts to fly.
— Rainbow Rowell
And in those moments, Park thought about pulling back from her." Not breaking up with her. That phrase didn't even seem to apply here. Just. . . Erasing away. Recovering the six inches between them
— Rainbow Rowell
And then she kissed him with tongue-on the bus.
— Rainbow Rowell
And there wasn’t anything he wanted to do that he couldn’t make time for. What did he have to mope about, really? What more did he want? Love, he could hear Eve saying. Purpose. Love. Purpose. Those are the things that you can’t plan for. Those are the things that just happen. And what if they don’t happen? Do you spend your whole life pining for them? Waiting to be happy?
— Rainbow Rowell
And what does it mean to take care of power? Do you use it? Conserve it? Keep it out of the wrong hands?
— Rainbow Rowell
Are you okay?" she heard someone - Levi? - ask "Hey... are you crying?" Cath ran her fingers along the cover, over the raised gold type. Then someone else ran right into her, pushing the book into Path's chest. Pushing two books into her chest. Path looked up just as Wren threw an arm around her." They're both crying," Path heard Reagan say. "I can't even watch." Cath freed an arm to wrap around her sister. "I can't believe it's really over," she whispered. Wren held her tight and shook her head. She really was crying, too. "Don't be so melodramatic, Path," Wren laughed hoarsely. "It's never over... It's Simon.
— Rainbow Rowell
...as long as she was worrying about it, it probably wasn't going to happen. Like some sort of anxiety vaccine. Like watching a pot to make sure it never boiled.
— Rainbow Rowell
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