Steven Moffat
Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they're going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later. The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later.
— Steven Moffat
Bow ties are cool.
— Steven Moffat
Brainy's the new sexy.
— Steven Moffat
Clara Oswald: This is just a dream, but very clever people can hear dreams. So please, just listen. I know you're afraid, but being afraid is all right, because didn't anybody ever tell you fear is a superpower? Fear can make you faster and cleverer and stronger. And one day, you'll come back to this barn and on that day you're going to be very afraid indeed. But that's ok because if you're very wise and very strong, fear doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind. It doesn't matter if there's nothing under the bed or in the dark, so long as you know it's ok to be afraid of it. You're always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like a companion, a constant companion, always there. But that's ok, because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home. I'm going to leave you with something just so you always remember: Fear makes companions of us all. -Listen, Doctor Who, episode 8.4
— Steven Moffat
Come on, Rory! It isn't rocket science, it's just quantum physics!-The Doctor (Matt Smith)
— Steven Moffat
Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun, When a good man goes to war. Friendship dies, and true love lies, Night will fall, and the dark will rise, When a good man goes to war. Demons run, but count the cost. The battle's won, but the child is lost.
— Steven Moffat
Good is good in the final hour, in the deepest pit – without hope, without witness, without reward. Virtue is only virtue in extremis.
— Steven Moffat
Have you met the French? My...GOD they know how to party!
— Steven Moffat
Heroes are important. Heroes tell us who we want to be but when they made this particular hero they didn’t give him a gun, they gave him a screwdriver to fix things. They didn’t give him a tank or a warship or an X-Wing, they gave him a call box from which you can call for help, and they didn’t give him a superpower or a heat-ray, they gave him an extra heart. And that’s extraordinary. There will never come a time when we don’t need a hero like the doctor.
— Steven Moffat
Hitler: Thank you, whoever you are. I think you just saved my life. The Doctor: Believe me... It was an accident.
— Steven Moffat
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