Will Smith

I mean, I'm very serious with my kids about them comprehending the intricacies of global finance.

Will Smith

I think with movies I am really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious.

Will Smith

I want to say something that I want you to remember for the rest of your life, OK? I want you to listen closely. Furthermore, I'm giving you a key to life right now, this is the key to life. The key to life, the key to life is running and reading. Oh, right? Now listen very seriously, the key to life is running and reading. Right now, why running? When you're running, and you are there, and you're running there's a little person that talks to you and that little person says "Oh, I'm tired", "My lounge's about to pop", "I'm so hurt", "I'm so tired", "There's no way I can possibly continue". And you want to quit. Right? That person, if you learn how to defeat that person when you're running you will learn how to not quit when things get hard in your life. Running. Oh, right? That's the first key to life. Reading. The reason the reading is so important. There've been millions and billions and billions and gazillions of people that have lived before all of us. There's no new problem you can have with your parents, with school, with a bully, with anything, there's no problem you can have that someone hasn't already solved and wrote about it in a book. So they key to life are running and reading.

Will Smith

Money and success don't change people they merely amplify what is already there.

Will Smith

Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your life.

Will Smith

There's no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A.

Will Smith

The road to success is through commitment, and through the strength to drive through that commitment when it gets hard. And it is going to get hard, and you're gonna want to sometimes quit, but it'll be colored by who you are, and more who you want to be.

Will Smith

The things that have been most valuable to me, I did not learn in school.

Will Smith

Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.

Will Smith

Traditional education is based on facts and figures and passing tests - not on a comprehension of the material and its application to your life.

Will Smith

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