Clifford Cohen
Regarding war and peace—the seed of each is planted in the other.
— Clifford Cohen
Regarding war and peace—the seeds of each are planted in the other.
— Clifford Cohen
Sex can be the result of love, but never the cause of it.
— Clifford Cohen
Some people say I raised a good child. I like to think of it as my child raised a good parent.
— Clifford Cohen
Sometimes, if your opponent is determined to win the battle, let him win the wrong battle.
— Clifford Cohen
There are four stages to a person’s career:In Stage 1 you are enthusiastic about your work, but inexperienced (start of your career). In Stage 2 you are both enthusiastic about your work and have gained experience (top of your career). In Stage 3 you’re tired of your work, but you are also still competent/experienced (maintenance stage). In Stage 4 you are sick of your work, and because you haven’t been motivated to keep up with your profession, you are now, once again, inexperienced relative to the state-of-the-art in your field (end of career).
— Clifford Cohen
There is no reason to assume our species will survive itself.
— Clifford Cohen
There’s no arguing with a song that writes itself.
— Clifford Cohen
The tyrant’s formula for every genocide since the beginning of time: differentiate, divide, destroy.
— Clifford Cohen
Two examples of irony:...a cheap knock-off of a Chinese Ming vase…made in China....getting murdered in a graveyard.
— Clifford Cohen
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