Mohammed Sekouty
Adopt your own view and adapt with others' views
— Mohammed Sekouty
A dream doesn't come true by itself... we must pull it.
— Mohammed Sekouty
As on twitter if you follow happiness... Happiness will follow you back
— Mohammed Sekouty
Be solution oriented not problem oriented. Problems are limited, but solutions are unlimited.
— Mohammed Sekouty
Coward people are afraid of failure & Failure is afraid of brave people
— Mohammed Sekouty
Do not let anyone cage your freedom. Fight for your Freedom and dignity
— Mohammed Sekouty
Don't be a shadow of anyone, You are a unique way or another
— Mohammed Sekouty
Don't worry. When life puts you down, hope will push you up
— Mohammed Sekouty
Even in the heart of the darkness, You will find a spot of light
— Mohammed Sekouty
Even the death won't be an end of our dreams. Take your dreams to the tomb
— Mohammed Sekouty
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