Nikki Giovanni

A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you're in and take advantage of it.

Nikki Giovanni

And everybody was happy that uncle lee was able to get that scholarship even though you wondered when you could do quadratic equations in your head why you had a basketball scholarship, but you always knew that you had to take what they were giving since that was all you were going to get, but you never fooled yourself about either the taking or the giving or the needing or the having you just sort of said to yourself I'll have to see what is being offered

Nikki Giovanni

And sometimes I sit down at my typewrite rand I thin knot of someone cause there isn't anyone to think about and i wonders it worth it

Nikki Giovanni

Everything will change. The only question is growing up or decaying.

Nikki Giovanni

His headstone Siegfried AT LAST, FREE AT LAST But death is a slave's freedom We seek the freedom of free Menard the construction of a world Where Martin Luther King could have lived and preached non-violence

Nikki Giovanni

I am totally fascinated by people and our history as I understand and continue to explore it. People have so much to give and so far to go, and yet we have given and gone a great distance. It's really just interesting to ask: why not? And see where that takes me.

Nikki Giovanni

I appreciate my sleep In sleep my conversation is witty My home is dusted My office work is up-to-date The dog is even well-behaved And food is on the table on timeout then when I'm asleep I don't have you to clutter and confuse My hungry heart

Nikki Giovanni

If now isn't a good time for the truth I don't see when we'll get to it.

Nikki Giovanni

If you're a writer, the answer to everything is yes.

Nikki Giovanni

I love you because no two snowflakes are alike, and it is possible, if you stand tippy-toe, to walk between the raindrops.

Nikki Giovanni

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