Kishore Bansal
Ability and luck makes success happen, no matter what the circumstances are.
— Kishore Bansal
Achievement is not possible in the absence of Zeal.
— Kishore Bansal
After to-day there is endless to-morrow but to-day is to-day. Don't compare it with other day.
— Kishore Bansal
Beautiful heart always thanks, appreciate and forgive people and enhance life.
— Kishore Bansal
Beauty is a blessing not a hindrance.
— Kishore Bansal
Bitterness imprisons victory.
— Kishore Bansal
Blessed is the person whose mind is ever at peace never depressed never disappointed.
— Kishore Bansal
Build strong foundation under your dreams.
— Kishore Bansal
Calmness and confidence are the source of energy brings with itself unlimited opportunities. Let us but ring out the old, ring in the new.
— Kishore Bansal
Charity Purify your heart and makes you lion.
— Kishore Bansal
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