Deyth Banger
After all, the fear is the thing which keep us alive, why do you want to get rid of it??
— Deyth Banger
After All The. Purge. Election. Year.2016 wasn't a big deal, it could be better, I have watched and better movies.
— Deyth Banger
After all there isn't way out, there isn't security.(Film Hidden)
— Deyth Banger
After all we have few friends, if we don't show that we care about them, we will reach 0 friends...
— Deyth Banger
After all what's the lesson from all that?... Sometimes the title hasn't anything to do with the story...
— Deyth Banger
After all you didn't answer "Why?", why you close and reject it... "Not Interested", doesn't sound like a reason, does it?
— Deyth Banger
A Killer is the best friend... - WTF!???
— Deyth Banger
All about the fucking money... money... money... thinking it's for the good for your generation... but so far it's neither and for that and neither and for that... It's mostly for the worst of your generation and other's generations.
— Deyth Banger
All people have one chance, if there is possibility of other life. It's again one chance your knowledge from the knees up to the head is reset like the games.
— Deyth Banger
All people said to genius people which now are famous. "That's a bad idea", "Wow you must be an idiot to do that", "How can you devastate your talent with these comics and writing this??". But look now Stephen King (About the comics and the writing in his book "Writing Memoir and Craft he said that the teacher behaved with him like this way)... About the others, these are other people which this day's are famous.
— Deyth Banger
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