Rise Again One goal goes by the wayside Some watch sneering arms folded Laughing at you until the end Until you have the last laugh You've courage you're no riffraff Another will lend you a hand You're apparently not left for dead You rise again and all is fine Defeat no matter how crushing That seemingly final act they consing Is speckle of dust to you the leaning Majestic Tower of Pisa still standing How disappointed they must bethinking they have the master Kenmore bogus then a midnight sunset you stand on a solid foundation Your destiny is beyond what anyone Or anything can give or take from you Dangling hope strings attached rescue Instead rise and face the morning dew You the sun reclaiming your den From the frost, beams of hope chasing You are alone but alive again Shining the sheen of your green You rise again free no one's lien You are alive because you alaoneCan decide the meaning of the Dustin they had meaning to begin with Kaleb Milton © 2016

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