Loren Weisman

If you are saying the same thing as everyone else, then why would and why should anyone think you are different from everyone else?

Loren Weisman

If you don’t know your tendencies and can’t analyze when you are most effective, then how can you get the most done in the least amount of time with the best results?

Loren Weisman

If you don’t understand something clearly that you are being taught…speak up. If you feel something is confusing, or you are unsure of exactly what to do…ask about it. If you need clarification or something repeated to make sure you got it…request it. If you feel lost, forgot something, or feel like you are falling behind…bring it up. Nodding your head, saying “yeah, yeah” and pretending to know things you don’t is right up there with one of the worst things you can do when you hire someone to help you and your career.

Loren Weisman

If your dream is all about winning an ‪#Oscar‬, a ‪‎Grammy‬, an ‪#Emmy‬, or another award, give up and quit now! Why dream for accolades, awards, recognition or celebrity status? Dream to learn, achieve, grow, sustain and succeed. You will be a happier person in life over trying to define your success or your dream by what others think of you.

Loren Weisman

I'm less concerned with how hard you can work and how much time and effort you can dedicate to a project when everything is going right. Plenty of people can do that. I'm more concerned with how hard you can work and how much time and effort you can dedicate to a project when everything is going wrong. That's a rarity and shows true honor, true character and will lead you that much closer to success.

Loren Weisman

Issues or fears of confrontation tend to showcase unhealthy and unprofessional communication. If you are trusting someone to tell you all the good, bad and ugly, but they only give you the good out of their fears and confrontational issues… the bad and the ugly can grow worse and worse quickly.

Loren Weisman

It’s not about the amount of time you put in, it is the way you spend the time on the work you need to get done. Saying that you worked ten hours on something that went nowhere is not really anything to brag about.

Loren Weisman

It's time to respect yourself and your dream, both truly deserve that respect. Be the person you would do anything for. Be the person you will not let down.

Loren Weisman

Keep the momentum while you are moving to guarantee additional motion and momentum.

Loren Weisman

Learning, empowering, studying, practicing, and not repeating the same mistakes will help you move forward, move up, and move on to where you want to be.

Loren Weisman

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