Howard Tayler
Two minutes worth of signal analysis told me all I needed to know. This station "talks" to the dark matter universe about what goes on inside."" How did you cobble together a hammer so quickly?"" I had one on me.
— Howard Tayler
We either need an overwhelming force advantage, or we need more information."" Reinforcements cut into our bounty, remember?"" It's unanimous. We need more information.
— Howard Tayler
Welcome to your new bodies, gentlemen. If you'd like, I can help you start your own 'dysmorphia is all in your head' support group.
— Howard Tayler
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Cross it? I'm making plans to destroy the bridge from orbit.-Colonel Ceuta & Captain Wagon
— Howard Tayler
What do you think? Overkill?"" I don't believe there is any such thing. But in this case, 'yes, overkill.
— Howard Tayler
When I find the guy who torched that forest, I'm going to eat him. And I'm only going to half-cook him first.-Sergeant Schlock
— Howard Tayler
When the enemy of my enemy is willing to use plasma weapons inside a hotel, I think I can do better than stupid aphorisms, General.-Captain Kevin Andreas
— Howard Tayler
Where's your sense of adventure? It died under mysterious circumstances. My sense of self-preservation found the body, but assures me it has an airtight alibi.-Captain Wagon & Captain Andreas
— Howard Tayler
Yes, but none of them can steal my ship. None of them are smart enough to know that it was the right thing to do at the time.
— Howard Tayler
You're more mean-spirited than I remember you being."" It's this organic body. Hologram fur wasn't itchy.
— Howard Tayler
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