Susan Barbara Apollon
Affirmations are powerful and wonderful thoughts that serve you, your body, your immune system, your mind, and your spirit.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
After all is said and done, it is the commitment of love that transcends time and space. So often, we seek answers in places where there is little light. It is when we choose to go within that we find all that we need.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
At some point, when we have been blessed with profoundly moving, touching and special moments, it is important to stop questioning and to begin accepting the gift of the experience. Such moments add only richness and great joy to this journey called life.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Because you are an energetic being and your thoughts and feelings are energy, your journey may be compared to an intricately woven fabric. As the weaver of the fabric of your life, you alone decide whether your life will be beautifully intertwined with threads of gold and silver and blended with the colors of the rainbow, or made with strands of straw and cotton in shades of grays, browns, and other dark, heavy colors.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Begin your day, upon awakening, with prayers of gratitude, requests and affirmations that they are being answered—always ending with more gratitude.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Begin your day with gratitude and end your day with gratitude. A heart filled with loving expressions of thanks is a beautiful offering to the universe.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Each person’s journey is different. If something—anything—does not feel right to you, then you alone get to decide whether you will honor it or not. The choice of how to respond to your situation is yours—and will always be yours.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Every moment of this experience we call a physical life is determined by the choices you make in your thoughts, intentions, and actions. Thus, when you choose to experience a thought, image, or activity from a place of loving, joyful, and compassionate intentions for yourself and others, you have the power to weave a lovely fabric that heals your mind, body, and soul. When you choose differently, the fabric you weave may contribute to an experience of suffering and pain in the form of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual anguish. The choice is always yours.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Extraordinary moments often involve a sense of connection, as well as communication, with something that we intuitively know goes well beyond this plane of reality.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Filling ourselves and living with the energy of love feels wonderful. And because this energy resonates at a high vibrational level, it also attracts into our lives other high, vibrational experiences, many of which feel quite miraculous.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
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