Anne Rice

Why does shame and self-loathing become cruelty to the innocent ?

Anne Rice

Without memory there can be no insight. Without love, there can be no appreciation.

Anne Rice

Would that death were like this. That one would sleep and sleep and sleep forever.

Anne Rice

Writers, as they gain success, feel like outsiders because writers don't come together in real groups.

Anne Rice

Writers had a way of redeeming everything that ever happens to them.

Anne Rice

You are the son of the Lord God! She said. That’s why you can kill and bring back to life, that’s why you can heal a blind man as Joseph saw you do, that’s why you can pray for snow and there will be snow, that’s why you can dispute with your uncle Cleo pas when he forgets you’re a boy, that’s why you make sparrows from clay and bring them to life. Keep your power inside you. Guard it until your Father in Heaven shows you the time to use it. If he’s made you a child, then he’s made you a child to grow in wisdom as well as in everything else.

Anne Rice

You do not know your vampire nature. You are like an adult who, looking back on his childhood, realizes that he never appreciated it. Furthermore, you cannot, as a man, go back to the nursery and play with your toys, asking for the love and care to be showered on you again simply because now you know their worth. So it is with you and mortal nature. You've given it up. You no longer look "through a glass darkly." But you cannot pass back to the world of human warmth with your new eyes.

Anne Rice

You have a light in you that’s almost blinding. But in me there’s only darkness. Sometimes I think it’s like the darkness that infected you that night in the inn when you began to cry and to tremble. You were so helpless, so unprepared for it. I try to keep the darkness from you because I need your light. I need it desperately, but you don’t need the darkness.

Anne Rice

You, know, the only thing I can be is a writer. I'm absolutely unprepared for anything else. When you've lived the kind of life I have, you are good for nothing. Only writing can save you.

Anne Rice

You let me handle Marius," I said. "Now, you didn't come without your dagger."" No, I did not," he said, lifting his cloak to reveal it, "And with your permission I would like to plunge it through my heart now so I will most assuredly stone-cold dead before the Master of this house arrives home to find you running rampant in his garden!"" Permission denied.

Anne Rice

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