Sanjo Jendayi

...and because she had not completed her "self work" to fully understand her self-worth...she ran away from a love that was soul deep, created just for her at that very moment. #journey2love #journey2self #selfworkisessential#stoprunningandstand

Sanjo Jendayi

A person can't heal as long as they are deflecting and blaming. One must accept responsibility for their own actions and make the shift necessary for growth.

Sanjo Jendayi

A woman's confidence separates the men from the boys.

Sanjo Jendayi

A woman’s heart is her prized possession and if she shares it with you, consider yourself blessed. It is vital to her very being; it has the capability to pump life-giving love into every living cell of your body. It can make a man believe he can fly. Furthermore, it can be like water to a man dying of thirst. Furthermore, it has the ability to keep both of you breathing when one’s breath is taken away by life’s ups and downs. In order for it to achieve these awe-inspiring feats, a man must do his part to keep her heart beating for him. Because of her heart’s vital role in sustaining the relationship, if you play with her heart, and it stops beating for you…it most certainly will result in the death of the relationship. In order for her heart to deliver this life-giving love to all of your cells, a love equally strong must be pumped into every fiber of her being. That love must be capable of purifying the bad blood she has taken in throughout the day that took her breath away and bring pure love back to her heart. In this way it is a continuous cycle allowing reciprocal life-giving love to flow between the two of you sustaining the very life of your relationship.

Sanjo Jendayi

Be mindful of your thoughts and words for they are the pen writing that which will manifest.

Sanjo Jendayi

Boredom doesn't exist where creativity lives.

Sanjo Jendayi

Empathy seems to have been replaced with judgement in today's world. NO ONE has arrived. I repeat, NO ONE has arrived. We all experience joy, happiness, sadness, anger, disappointment, fear, etc... Some of the most successful people have said things in interviews that give you a peek into their vulnerable areas. The differences are found in how we manage our own issues so if you are beating yourself up, comparing yourself or on the other end of the spectrum looking down on others...please stop! We are all searching for significance in one way or another...some have found it within while it takes others a little more time searching the outside. Be true to yourself and allow others to do the same. Remember, no one has it all together all the time. NO ONE HAS ARRIVED...WE ARE ALL BE-COMING. HUMANS BE-ING. So let folks BE.

Sanjo Jendayi

Every living thing requires love to survive for without it, we die.

Sanjo Jendayi

Everything needs love… and everything you do or don’t do is a reflection of how you love you!

Sanjo Jendayi

Greatness is sifted through the grind, therefore don't despise the hard work now for surely it will be worth it in the end.

Sanjo Jendayi

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