Elizabeth Peters
I disapprove of matrimony as a matter of principle.... Why should any independent, intelligent female choose to subject herself to the whims and tyrannies of a husband? I assure you, I have yet to meet a man as sensible as myself! (Amelia Peabody)
— Elizabeth Peters
I do not scruple to employ mendacity and a fictitious appearance of female incompetence when the occasion demands it.
— Elizabeth Peters
I fink it is a femur. A femur of a winowcowus... An distinct windows.
— Elizabeth Peters
If she hasn't learned to appreciate my sterling character and spectacular good looks by this time, it's not likely she will.
— Elizabeth Peters
I had had my night of weeping... I had purged myself of useless emotions that terrible night, now every nerve every sinew, every thought was bent on a single purpose
— Elizabeth Peters
I had refused Emerson's well-meant offers of assistance, knowing his efforts would be confined to moving the furniture to the wrong places and demanding how much longer the process would take.
— Elizabeth Peters
I have learned that particularly clever ideas do not always stand up under scrutiny.
— Elizabeth Peters
I have never been able to understand how men can feel affection for individuals who are intent on massacring them in a variety of unpleasant ways, but it is an undeniable fact that they can and do. Witness the immortal verse of Mr. Kipling: "So 'ere's to you, Tuzzy-muzzy, at your 'home in the Sudan; You're a pore benighted 'eaten but a first-class fightin' man!" One can only accept this as another example of the peculiar emotional aberrations of the male sex.
— Elizabeth Peters
In the silence I heard Basket, who had retreated under the bed, carrying on a mumbling, profane monologue. (If you ask how I knew it was profane, I presume you have never owned a cat.)
— Elizabeth Peters
Is difficult to be angry with a gentleman who pays you compliments, even impertinent compliments. Especially impertinent compliments.
— Elizabeth Peters
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