Elizabeth Peters
It was a needless precaution, I felt sure, but men always enjoy marching around with weapons and flexing their figurative muscles, and I saw no reason to deny them this harmless exercise.
— Elizabeth Peters
I was beginning to fear that you had turned into one of those boring females who can only say 'Yes, my dear' ... You know very well, Peabody, that our little discussions are the spice of life -- 'The pepper in the soup of marriage' -- Very aptly put, Peabody. If you become meek and acquiescent, I will put an advertisement in the Times telling Ethos to drop by and collect you. Promise me you will never stop scolding...
— Elizabeth Peters
I would be the first to admit that my maternal instincts are not well developed--though in defense I must add that the raising of Ramses would have discouraged any woman.
— Elizabeth Peters
Love has a very dulling effect on the brain
— Elizabeth Peters
Marriage, in my view, should be a balanced stalemate between equal adversaries.
— Elizabeth Peters
Mehmet crawled onto Ramses's lap and began to purr. 'The creature oozes like a furry slug,' said Ramses, eyeing it without favor.
— Elizabeth Peters
Men are so easy to manipulate, poor things.
— Elizabeth Peters
Men believe women are hopeless gossips, but women know men are. The poor creatures are worse than women in some ways, because they cannot admit to themselves that they are gossiping, or doubt the discretion of the individuals in whom they confide. 'Strictly in confidence, old boy, just between you and me...'.
— Elizabeth Peters
Men like to create unnecessary organizations and give them impressive or mysterious names; this usually ends in increased confusion, and should therefore be ignored.
— Elizabeth Peters
My feelings are a fact, not a personal delusion. They are valid for me. What business have you got trying to tell me how I ought to feel?
— Elizabeth Peters
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