Rachel Hawkins

All superheroes have origin stories, like how Bruce Wayne’s parents get killed, and he goes to Tibet or whatever, and Superman is an alien, and Spider-Man had that radioactive spider. Me? I kissed a janitor in the school bathroom

Rachel Hawkins

And the next time I did school stuff in the middle of the night, I just did it in my closet with the door locked. Honestly, what is wrong with this country when striving for excellence means you need antidepressants?

Rachel Hawkins

But before he could either comfort me or commit further acts of violence upon my person, I spun away from him and made my drama queen moment complete by running away.

Rachel Hawkins

But this room looked like it had been decorated by the unholy lovechild of Barbie and Strawberry Shortcake.

Rachel Hawkins

Cross.” His head popped up a few shelves over. “What?”“Check out the magic crap.” He shot me a look. “Oh, is that what we’re supposed to be doing? Because I’ve just been drawing hearts and our initials in the dirt.” Sophie + Archer

Rachel Hawkins

Cryptic Dad is cryptic,' I muttered ... We'd hung out all day today. Was there no time in there he could have said, 'Oh, hey, meet me at the magical bookcase at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow, cool?

Rachel Hawkins

Face touch age" "lame-sauce" "Sulky McSulkerton

Rachel Hawkins

He ran his thumb over my lower lip, sending a flurry of sparks through me. "Goodbye, Sophie." -Cal

Rachel Hawkins

His voice was low, and I think he would've been hot if he weren't radiating that air of "I Am Super Evil--No, Really--And Not In The Sexy Way.

Rachel Hawkins

How stupid, I thought dreamily, to have ever thought I could give this up. Not just the kissing, although, as Archer’s hands cupped my face, I had to admit that part was pretty awesome. But all of it: joking with him and working beside him. Being with a guy who was my friend and could still make me feel like this.

Rachel Hawkins

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