Rachel Hawkins

I also like ladies. And not as in shopping buddies, but in the carnal sense.

Rachel Hawkins

I don't know what I was expecting a vampire's room to look like. Maybe lots of black, a bunch of books by Camus... oh, and a sensitive portrait of the only human the vamp ever loved, who had no doubt died of something beautiful and tragic, thus dooming the vamp to an eternity of moping and sighing dramatically. What can I say? I read a lot of books.

Rachel Hawkins

I heard the man and woman cry a warning as I frantically racked my brain for some sort of throat-repairing spell, which I was clearly about to need. Of course the only words that I actually managed to yell at the werewolf as he ran at me were, 'BAD DOG!' Then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flash of blue light on my left. Suddenly, the werewolf seemed to smack into an invisible wall just inches in front of me...." You know," someone said off to my left, "I usually find a blocking spell to be a lot more effective than yelling 'Bad dog,' but maybe that's just me.

Rachel Hawkins

I'm not sure whether you're confident or delusional, but thanks anyway.

Rachel Hawkins

I’m not thrilled. And I totally reserve the right to angst over all this later. But honestly, Mom? Right now, I’m so happy to see you that I wouldn’t care if you’re secretly a ninja sent from the future to destroy kittens and rainbows.

Rachel Hawkins

I picked up the nearest weapon I could lay my hands on: a stapler. I lifted it, going for “menacing.” I admit it lacked a certain elegance, but hey. It was worth a shot. David placed his hand on my arm and pushed it back down.“What?”“Just. . . That’s embarrassing for all of us,” he replied.

Rachel Hawkins

It just seems like overkill when you already have a dagger and I have super powerful magic at my disposal.”“‘Super powerful?’” He stood up, a gold chain dangling from his fingers. “Let me remind you of two words, Mercer: Bad. Dog.

Rachel Hawkins

It’ll make you feel better.” "By making me dead?” I asked. “I mean, I’m sure that would make my headache go away, but that’s a heck of a side effect.

Rachel Hawkins

It occurred to me that my cheek was probably over his tattoo. Without thinking, I lifted my face and tugged at the neckline of his T-shirt. This time, the stark black-and-gold mark wasn't hidden. No need for that spell anymore, I guess. Still, I covered it with my palm. Archer's hands clutched reflexively on my waist. Our eyes met. "It doesn't burn this time," I whispered. His breathing was ragged. "Beg to differ, Mercer.

Rachel Hawkins

It's always going to get better someday. Sometime in the future, things won't be so crazy.

Rachel Hawkins

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