Henry Cloud
Mature, healthy people need other people; they don't isolate themselves... Needing love isn't being immature. Rather, it gives us the energy we need to go out and slay our dragons.
— Henry Cloud
Page 99: "...unless something changes, the future that you can expect is more of the past. Sorry or becoming committed does not make Jim Carrey a great golfer, or made Jack Nicklaus funny. Recommitment does not make a person who is unsuited for a particular position suited for it all of a sudden. Promises by someone who has a history of letting you down in a relationship mean nothing certain in terms of the future.
— Henry Cloud
People tend to look at dating sort of like a safari - like they're trying to land the trophy.
— Henry Cloud
People who own their lives do not feel guilty when they make choices about where they are going. They take other people into consideration, but when they make choices for the wishes of others, they are choosing out of love, not guilt; to advance a good, not to avoid a bad.
— Henry Cloud
People with a style of denial and blaming are definitely on the list of unsafe people to avoid. 10.
— Henry Cloud
Setting boundaries isn't an alternative to loving your child. It is a means of loving her.
— Henry Cloud
Sometimes we represent our weakness as if it were bad. We don’t think it’s okay to be weak… We have been injured in many ways and our real self houses all the evidence of those injuries. The pain, the brokenness and the emotional underdevelopment we all possess is part of who we really are.
— Henry Cloud
The physicality of a real relationship - one that encompasses mind, body and soul - ultimately makes it more fulfilling and powerful than any virtual relationship ever could be.
— Henry Cloud
This is one of the marks of a truly safe person: they are confrontable.
— Henry Cloud
This principle is taught in Scripture: "We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). In other words, we learn to be loving because we are loved. Grace must come from the outside for us to be able to develop it inside. The opposite side of this truth is that we can't love when we aren't loved. And, taking the thinking further, we can't value or treasure our souls when they haven't been valued or treasured.
— Henry Cloud
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