Simone Elkeles

When they’re together, the world could fall apart around them, and they’d never notice or care as long as they have each other.

Simone Elkeles

Whoa, who was that?”“Madison Stone,” Kiara mutters.“Introduce me to her.”“Why?” Because I know it’ll annoy the shit out of you.

Simone Elkeles

Why shouldn't I be introspective? We don't make sense."" Neither do Chocolate and Peanut Butter, but it somehow works." He says "Somehow the mixture of two things is genius.

Simone Elkeles

You are the one girl that made me risk everything for a future worth having.

Simone Elkeles

You call that a kiss?"" Yep." Okay, so I'm in shock the girl put my hand on her creamy cheek. Damn, you'd think I was on drugs by the way my body reacted. She had me totally under her spell a minute ago. Then the pretty witch turned my game around so she was the one with the upper hand.

Simone Elkeles

You can’t keep her.” I know that. But I’m not ready to give her up just yet.

Simone Elkeles

You have games on there?" he asks." Yeah," I answer for her. "She's become a checker fanatic. Shelley, show him how it works." While Shelley slowly taps the screen with her knuckles, Alex watches, seemingly fascinated. When the checkers screen comes up, Shelley nudges Alex's hand." You go first," he says. She shakes her head." She wants you to go first," I tell him." Cool." He taps the screen. I watch, getting all mushy inside, as this tough guy plays quietly with my big sister." Do you mind if I make a snack for her?" I say, desperate to leave the room." Nah, go ahead," he says, his concentration on the game." You don't have to let her win," I say before leaving. "She can hold her own in checkers."" Uh, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I am tryin' to win," Alex says. He has a genuine grin on his face, without trying to act cocky or cool.

Simone Elkeles

You know those giant stuffed-animal prizes at the carnival? The kind practically nobody wins, except the lucky few? I've never won one."" Yeah. I've never won one, either."" Alex was my giant prize. I hated you for taking him away," she admits. I shrug. "Yeah, well, stop hating me. I don't have him, either."" I don't hate you anymore," she says. "I've moved on." I swallow and then say, "Me, too." Carmen chuckles. Then, just as she walks out of the room, I hear her mumble, "Alex sure as hell hasn't.

Simone Elkeles

You look like a hot tamale.”“That’s not really a compliment.

Simone Elkeles

You quit? I thought you said it was too dangerous to quit, Alex. You said people who try to get out die."" I almost did. If it weren't for Gary Frankel, I probably wouldn't have made it. . . ."" Gary Frankel?" The nicest, geekiest guy in school? For the first time I scan Alex's face and see a faint, new scar above his eye and nasty ones by his ear and neck. "Oh, God! W-what did they d-do to you?" He takes my hand and places it on his chest. His eyes are intense and dark, like they were the first time I noticed him in the parking lot that first day of school senior year. "It took me a long time to realize I needed to fix everything The choices I made. The gang. Bein' beaten to within an inch of my life and branded like cattle was nothin' compared to losin' you. If I could take back every word I said in the hospital, I would. I thought if I pushed you away, I'd be protectin' you from what happened to Paco and my dad." He looks up and his eyes pierce mine. "I'll never push you away again, Brittany. Ever. I swear." Beaten? Branded? I'm feeling sick to my stomach and tears sting my eyes." Shh." He puts his arms around me, rubbing his hands across my back. "It's all right. I'm okay," he chants over and over again, his voice catching.

Simone Elkeles

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