Simone Elkeles

I lead Paco through the house. We pass Shelley in the family room looking at some magazine. "Shelley, this is Paco. He's Alex's friend. Paco, this is my sister, Shelley." At the mention of Alex's name, Shelley gives a happy squeal." Hey, Shelley," Paco says. Shelley smiles wide." Shell-bell, I need you to do me a favor." Shelley bobs her head in response as I whisper, "I need you to keep Mom occupied while I talk to Paco." Shelley grins, and I know my sister will come through for me.

Simone Elkeles

I like that girl more than I can remember likin’ anything in my life. I’m not about to give her up. Furthermore, I’ll start carin’ about what other people think when I’m six feet under.

Simone Elkeles

I’ll always love you, no matter what happens, okay?

Simone Elkeles

I'll never let it happen. I'll do everything in my power to keep my sister at home." I don't want to have a civilized discussion. My parents want to send my sister to a facility behind my back and my head feels like it's about to split open. Leave me alone, okay?" Something is sticking out of my pocket. It's Alex's bandanna. Isabel isn't a friend, yet she helped me. And Alex, a boy who cared about me last night more than my own boyfriend did, acted as my hero and is urging me to be real. Do I even know how to be real? I clutch the bandanna to my chest. And I allow myself to cry.

Simone Elkeles

I’m not going anywhere until you hear me out.” Oh, please no. Anything except having to listen to her lecture. I push the button that calls the

Simone Elkeles

I'm ready for something private, private and real

Simone Elkeles

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a dickhead. Well, I did.

Simone Elkeles

I'm willing to find out what this thing is going on between us. Are you?"" If we weren't outside," he says, "I'd show you--"I cut him off by grabbing the thick hair at the base of his neck and pulling that gorgeous head of his down. If we can't exactly have privacy right now, I'll settle for being real. Besides, everyone who we need to keep this a secret from is in school. Alex keeps his hands at his side, but when I part my lips, he groans against my mouth and his wrench drops to the ground with a loud clink. His strong hands wrap around me, making me feel protected. His velvet tongue mingles with mine, creating an unfamiliar melting sensation deep within my body. This is more than making out, it's. . . Well, it feels like a lot more. His hands never stop moving; one circles my back while the other plays with my hair. Alex isn't the only one exploring. My hands are roving all over him, feeling his muscles tense beneath my hands and heightening my awareness of him. I touch his jaw and the roughness of a day's growth scratches my skin

Simone Elkeles

I realize it’s going to happen. This girl of my dreams, this girl who is more like me than anyone I’ve ever met, wants to kiss me.

Simone Elkeles

Is that your cheap way of telling me you want to kiss

Simone Elkeles

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