Susan C. Young

All manners are not created equal and can conjure different interpretations based on the environment in which they are being displayed.

Susan C. Young

Allow your natural personality to shine through without pretending to be someone you're not, or you may be stuck with that label forever.

Susan C. Young

All the elements of greater emotional awareness can weave together to ensure you make a more positive impact.

Susan C. Young

Although it may serve you well, any strength or skill which is overused can become a limitation when it forces you to constantly be moving and looking for the next best thing. Distractions, interruptions, and incessantly chasing after the next golden ring can become the norm.

Susan C. Young

Although you may not be able to physically rewind your experiences, a visual rewind may reveal aspects which you may have missed the first time around. By mentally rewinding scenarios for your life, relationships, experiences, and behavior, you can look back with focused attention to see things more objectively.

Susan C. Young

A man worth his salt will treat a lady like a lady and make the effort to be a gentleman. While independent women are fully capable of being self-reliant, the majority whom I know appreciate being treated with respect, consideration, and chivalry. For the women who yearn for the old-fashioned, good-hearted, chivalrous guy, I promise, they do exist.

Susan C. Young

An approachable person intuitively knows how to set new acquaintances at ease and create a safety net for them to be vulnerable and authentic.

Susan C. Young

And as is often the case, the people who would benefit the most from reading a book like this are the ones least likely to buy and read it. For you, however, this chapter will serve as a sterling reminder to make your manners shine.

Susan C. Young

An important part of dressing for success is not only wearing something well but making sure it is appropriate for the occasion or the environment.

Susan C. Young

An object in motion tends to stay in motion so if you want to go places and do great things, get moving! Although the desires of your heart may have been lying dormant for a reason or a season, now may be the time to reactivate and infuse them with life.

Susan C. Young

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